In the mid 19th century, Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin came up with and popularized a new scientific theory called evolution. Since that time, evolution has swept over the world and has been widely accepted as the “true account” of our genesis. Evolution has now become the sophisticated view, and people who hold fast to the true Genesis account of creation are viewed as ignorant. This has led many “bible believers” to cave and allow for a fence-straddle approach. These people try and make the Bible account of creation fit in with the theory of evolution. This is called theistic evolution.
Proponents of this view look at the account of Genesis and the six days of creation and they insert huge gaps of time in each day. They take a verse like 2 Peter 3:8 and run wild. That passage reads, “But forget not this one thing, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”. They then go back to the days of creation and say those days were actually millions or billions of years allowing for the evolutionary process.
There are a number problems with this. One problem that immediately jumps out at me is, God created the plants on the third day of creation. But he didn’t create the sun and moon until the fourth day. If we are going to try and fit evolution into this account, plants were living and growing without the sun for billions of years. Ask your closest science teacher if that is possible.
But the main point that I want to discuss is found in Genesis 1:11-12. God establishes an important law of nature. The principle is that a seed will produce after its kind. This principle shoots down any possibility of the evolutionary process being found in the Genesis account. The evolutionary process demands a seed to produce something besides its own kind. Evolution needs an apple seed to produce something that is not an apple tree. Evolution needs something from the cat family to produce something outside of the cat family. God say’s let everything produce after its own kind.
This seed principle is a law of God. And it is important for many reasons beyond just the theory of evolution.
In Galatians 6:7 it says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”. Thousands of years later, God is still standing on the principle he established in the garden. And we learn that that principle of a seed applies to our lives. Verse 8 says that if we sow corruption we're going to reap corruption. The seed of sin is going to produce sin!
Paul says that if we plant one thing and we expect something different to grow, it is like we are trying to mock God. How many times have you put off doing what you know is right, and give your way another shot only to find yourself failing yet again. It is a mockery toward God anytime we think that our way is better.
In Matthew 13, Mark 4, and Luke 8 Jesus delivers a number of parables concerning the Kingdom. One of the parables is the parable of the sower. The sower goes and sows seed. The seed falls on four types of soil and the conditions of the soil end up affecting the life of the seed. Jesus goes on the explain the parts of this parable. In Matthew 13:19 he tells us that The seed is the word of the kingdom. In Luke 8:11 Jesus explains that it is the word of God.
The picture of the parable is simple. When the word of God is planted Christians are produced. That is the only plant that develops. Unfortunately like any plant, it can whither away and die if it can not endure its environment. connecting that back to Gal 6:7, it is a mockery to God to think that a christian can be made with another seed. It is also a mockery to God to think that one can’t fall away and be choked out by a love of the world (Matt 13:22, 2 Tim 4:10).
In another parable in Matt 13:24-30, A man sows good wheat seed and then an enemy comes in behind him and sows bad tares seed. Wheat and tares look very similar but wheat is good, tares are not. One is a good plant and the other is a weed. Jesus explains that he will separate the wheat and the tares at the judgement. The question is, what determined whether the plant was wheat or a tare? It is all based on what seed was planted.
Jesus told us in Matthew 16:18-19 that he was going to build his church. In that text he reveals to us that the church and the kingdom of God are descriptions of the same institution. Therefore, the word of God is the seed of the church.
God is not mocked. When the word of God is planted, it is going to produce a member of the church of Christ. It doesn’t produce a Baptist. It doesn’t produce a Lutheran. It doesn’t produce a Methodist. I know this because God is not mocked and what a man sows, that is what he will reap. You sow Baptist doctrine, you are going to produce a Baptist. But when you sow the seed of the kingdom it produces members of “churches of Christ” (Rom 16:16).
These denominations came from another seed. It produces something that shares characteristics with the wheat, but it is a different plant. In Matthew 15:13 Jesus said “Every plant that my father has not planted be be uprooted”.
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”